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7 aastase kogemuse pealt julgen öelda: teenusedisain aitab lahendada väga suure osa probleemidest ja seda pea kõigis valdkondades

Teenusedisain on universaalne meetod, millest on abi peaaegu kõigi (võibolla isegi päris kõigi) valdkondade probleemide lahendamisel. Valdavalt teatakse, et teenusedisain aitab parandada ja optimeerida kasutajakogemust, aga see ei ole sugugi kõik. Teenusedisainis käsitletakse ettevõtet või organisatsiooni tervikuna, milles toimuvad erinevad, ent sama lõppeesmärgi saavutamiseks vajalikud protsessid. Nende protsesside efektiivsemaks muutmine ja seeläbi kogu organisatsiooni tõhususe suurendamine on see, mida teenusedisaini teha saab.

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Getting Design Right Requires Taking the Future into Account

Human centred design is all about empathising with the user/consumer; discovering their values and aspirations, challenges and pain-points. Empathy is very important and useful if we want to design a product or service that will be well received and widely used by our target group. But is it enough?
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Does feeling useful help women cope with aging? 

With a design project you always want to solve a problem. The problem I chose to work on came to me from people close to me – namely people who are about to retire from work, people who have retired some years ago, and those who lost their jobs due to the corona crisis but are over the typical employment searching age.
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ETC (express - test - cycle), designing is simple

ETC (express - test - cycle)  - I was glad to rediscover this straightforward way of describing the product design process when rereading “The Achievement Habit” by Bernard Roth, a founder of Stanford and the design thinking movement. I would call it sophisticated simplicity and I am glad I am getting there myself.
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